Annex C: Timeline of the government’s response to foreign interference in democratic processes and institutions, 2018 to 2024
Special Report on Foreign Interference in Canada's Democratic Processes and Institutions


  • May 2018: NSICOP submits its classified report on the Prime Minister's Visit to India in February 2018 to the Prime Minister (see Annex D).
  • June 2018: Canada announces G7 Rapid Response Mechanism at G7 Summit.
  • July 2018: Public Safety begins developing a strategy to counter Hostile Activities by State Actors (HASA).
  • *** 2018: *** Plan to Protect Canada's Democracy, including the Critical Election Incident Public Protocol and the Security and Intelligence Threats to Elections Task Force (SITE).
  • December 2018: Prime Minister Tables NSICOP Special Report on the Prime Minister's Visit to India in February 2018.
  • December 2018: Elections Modernization Act receives Royal Assent, amending the Canada Elections Act.


  • February 2019: Release of CSE Public Report: Cyber Threats to Canada's Democratic Process.
  • July – September 2019: SITE offers classified briefings to Secret-cleared political party representatives.
  • August 2019: ***
  • August 2019: NSICOP submits its classified report on foreign interference to the Prime Minister (see Annex D).
  • August 2019: CSE receives Ministerial Authorization to conduct Defensive Cyber Operation, including protecting the electronic infrastructure of Elections Canada.
  • October 2019: 43rd Canadian federal election.


  • March 2020:Prime Minister tables NSICOP Annual Report 2019 in Parliament, which includes the report on foreign interference.
  • May 2020: Report on the Assessment of the 2019 Critical Election Incident Public Protocol.
  • October 2020: ***
  • December 2020: ***


  • July 2021: CSIS publishes Foreign Interference: Threats to Canada's Democratic Processes.
  • July 2021: CSE Public Report: Cyber Threats to Canada's Democratic Process: July 2021 Update.
  • July 2021: ***
  • July – September 2021: SITE offers classified briefings to Secret-cleared political party representatives.
  • July 2021: ***
  • August 2021: CSE receives Ministerial Authorization to conduct Defensive Cyber Operation, including protecting the electronic infrastructure of Elections Canada. September 2021: 44th Canadian federal election.
  • September 2021: 44th Canadian federal election.
  • November 2021: ***


  • June 2022: *** Government adopts Counter-HASA Strategy, including creation of National Counter Foreign Interference Coordinator and mandate to conduct consultations on legislative amendments (CSIS Act, Criminal Code, and Security of Information Act).
  • November 2022: Start of media leaks of intelligence reporting on foreign interference.
  • December 2022: ***

2023 et 2024

  • February 2023: Government publishes Report on the Assessment of the 2021 Critical Election Incident Public Protocol.
  • March – May 2023: Public Safety conducts consultations on the merits of a foreign influence transparency registry.
  • April 2023: Government publishes Countering an Evolving Threat: Update on Recommendations to Counter Foreign Interference in Canada's Democratic Institutions.
  • May 2023:CSIS carries out TRM to brief current and former members of Parliament on PRC interference.
  • May 2023: Canada declares PRC diplomat Zhao Wei persona non grata.
  • May 2023: ***
  • September 2023: Creation of the National Security Council (NSC).
  • November 2023 – February 2024: Public consultations on legislative amendments to the CSIS Act, Criminal Code, Security of Information Act, and Canada Evidence Act.